Air Monitoring
Indoor Air Quality
Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) refers to the air quality within and around buildings and structures, especially as it relates to the health and comfort of building occupants. Understanding and controlling common pollutants indoors can help reduce your risk of indoor health concerns.
Health effects from indoor air pollutants may be experienced soon after exposure or, possibly, years later.
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Outdoor Air Quality
Outdoor air is often referred to as ambient air. The common sources of outdoor air pollution are emissions caused by combustion processes from motor vehicles, solid fuel burning and industry. Other pollution sources include smoke, windblown dust, and biogenic emissions from vegetation (pollen and mould spores).
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DG/Stack Emission Monitoring
D G Emission Monitoring. DG Emissions have become a major reason of concern for environmentalists, as Diesel Generators emit high levels of air and noise polluting elements. Fogiene Sciences helps you understand why DG Emission Monitoring is a step towards sustainable implementation of a healthy environment.
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Stack Emission monitoring is often referred to the air monitoring of an emission point. Typically, such monitoring is carried out on boiler stacks, exhausts from printers, discharges from bag filters, thermal oxidisers and is performed on a regular basis.
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Light/Noise Monitoring
It is essential to know that the light in the premises does not have an adverse affect on the occupants. Inappropriate lights can lead to lower work productivity, eye irritation and employee discomfort. Good lighting reduces the risk of health problems, increases safety, and enhances productivity. Noise hearing loss can have a long term impact on employee health.
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What is noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL)?
NIHL is a permanent type of hearing loss caused by prolonged exposure to high levels of noise. In NIHL, hearing can deteriorate gradually from exposure to excessive noise levels, or in rarer cases it can happen quickly, such as with Acoustic Shock or extremely high sudden noise like explosions for instance. The most common cause of NIHL is from noise at work. It is also associated with an increased occurrence of Tinnitus and other hearing conditions.
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Monitoring using the latest technology
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Fogiene Sciences Private Limited
#17, Patel Ram Reddy Road, Krishna Reddy Layout, Domlur, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560071
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