The food industry is flourishing in India but the competition is fierce and so your product has to stand out.








There are room for new products, but creating a product that people will be willing to pay for is not easy. With a high-quality, original product, you can make your mark but it is vitally important that you test your product before investing a huge amount of money. This will save you a lot of time and money, so that you don’t launch a product that people may not be interested to buy.

For your product to be successful, you have to have a sizeable market of people interested. This is one of the reasons why you should learn how to test market a food product.

Testing the market properly gives you an idea of who would buy your product, how much they are willing to pay, and what people like or would change about your product.

Here are the more important aspects of learning how to test market a food product:

How do you test your market?

Many people are of the belief that because they or their friends and relatives like the product, it must be great and there will be a huge market for it. Before you go all in on your marketing efforts, one of the options would be to either try and sell the product online through one of the popular sites and market it on social media.

You can gain a lot of insights into people’s preferences and what they like or dislike about your brand. You can use the learnings to further refine your product.

You can also try and set up a stall at a mall or a market and give out free samples and ask people for feedback. This is very common in foreign countries.

How do you test if your product will sell?

You can do market research on similar products from different brands. This will give you a very good insight that could drive your future efforts. Try selling the product in a small market

for a few months before launching on a big scale.

How do you market a food product?

Consumers in India were primarily driven by price but now with greater awareness, quality of the product has become the great differentiator.

You should package your product attractively and more importantly have clear labelling to indicate both the ingredients and nutritional value of your product. In the case of perishable goods, conduct a shelf life study to ensure the longevity of the product on the shelf.

How do I get my product into local stores?

While selling your product, at an exhibition and locally, before launch, ensure you get information from consumers on places where they usually shop.

This will give you an idea of which local stores you should target first. Reach out to these stores and ask for a meeting to present your food product; have a sales pitch prepared, with your findings from the market test, before you go to the meeting.

How do I sell my product online?

All online marketplaces have a set of criteria that needs to be met before you can sell products on their platform. Ensure you meet all the criteria and get your product tested by a credible accredited lab so that you don’t run into problems with either the platform or the consumers who shop on it.

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