by fogiene | Dec 7, 2020 | Blog

Safe Drinking Water Guidelines in India
Getting clean and safe drinking water is the right of every citizen. Unfortunately, the natural resource that helps in sustaining lives on Earth, is dangerously contaminated. A report by NSO suggests that two-thirds of Indian homes drink unsafe and untreated water. Only 8% of the household boil water before drinking, which is not a very efficient way of removing contaminants. According to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) every country needs to achieve this goal by 2030. Considering this, the Bureau of Indian Standard has designed a specific guideline for safe drinking water. However, a recent report showed that 13 metros receive contaminated water.
Standard For Safe Drinking Water
The Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) has specified drinking water quality standards in India to provide safe drinking water to the people. It is pertinent that drinking water sources be tested at regular intervals and ensure that water is meeting the prescribed standards or not, if not, then, the extent of contamination/unacceptability and follow up required.
Another guideline for water quality is prescribed by Ministry of Water Resources, Government of India in 2005. This is known as the Uniform Protocol for Water Quality Monitoring. The increasing risk of geogenic and anthropogenic contamination has led to necessitate the above.
A Detailed View of the Report
A recent water quality test conducted by BIS showed that 13 cities have the most unsafe water. Delhi’s tap water is the most unsafe among cities from where the samples were taken. A water quality report by Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) showed the national capital is at the bottom of the list. The water samples of 13 cities were tested which include Kolkata, Chennai, Bengaluru, Jaipur and Lucknow. All the cities failed the water quality test. In fact, Mumbai is the only city where the samples of tap water met all the parameters under Indian Standard 10500:2012, which is the specification for drinking water so far.
BIS Standards Set for drinking water quality
According to the Central Ground Water Board, BIS (IS_10500 and revised module IS 10500:2012) has specifications in Uniform Drinking Water Quality Monitoring Protocol. This standard has two limits i.e. acceptable limits and permissible limits in the absence of an alternate source. If any parameter exceeds the limit, the water is considered unfit for human consumption.
In broad terms, if the water is bacteriology contaminated (E-coli and viruses etc), or if chemical contamination exceeds maximum permissible limits, the BIS considers that water unfit for drinking.
We Can offer the latest drinking water specifications as per the BIS. According to BIS 1500-2012 the acceptable limit of bacteria and other major contamination are as follows:
Test parameter |
Acceptable limit |
Permissible limit
(In the absence of alternate source of water) |
pH value |
6.5-8.5 |
No relaxation |
Turbidity |
1 |
5 |
Total hardness as CaCo3, mg/l, Max |
200 |
600 |
E.coli presence/absence |
Shall not be detectable in any 100ml sample |
Shall not be detectable in any 100ml sample |
Total iron as Fe, mg/l, Max |
0.3 |
No relaxation |
Taste |
Agreeable |
Agreeable |
Odour |
Agreeable |
Agreeable |
Provision of safe drinking water keeping in mind health protection has more relevance in rural India from the point of view of chemical and microbial risk. The most effective means of ensuring safe drinking water is through the use of water safety plan which effectively utilizes water quality data in planning preventive and corrective actions.
Keeping in mind the importance of ensuring drinking water quality, the Government of India has earmarked 3% of state allocation of National Rural Drinking Water Program (NRDWP) for water quality monitoring and surveillance. – remove – old info. This protocol acts as a guidance system on aspects like minimum infrastructure required for building space, manpower, instrumentation, sampling and testing procedures etc. This will feed the prevalent urgent need to strengthen and set up laboratories so that quality of drinking water is ensured.
For comprehensive water testing solutions, contact us for a free consultation.
by fogiene | Dec 5, 2020 | Blog

Benefits of Good Indoor Air Quality
Even if you enjoy the outdoors, we spend most of our time indoors. You need a cool, comfortable place to take your rest and for that, you need clean air. Here, we’ll discuss the five most important benefits of having good indoor air quality..
1. Breathe Easier
Breathing well is something we tend to take for granted- until we get into trouble. The more contaminated the air we breathe is, the more quickly we succumb to illnesses and allergies. Even a subtle amount of indoor pollutants can raise our stress levels, and inhibit good health.
2. Sleep Better
Of course, cleaner air means we will have the ability to rest easier and are less likely to get sick. This reduction in our stress levels makes sleep come more readily.
3. Remove Allergens & Pollutants
Most people have or will develop some kind of inhalant allergy in time. When we are allergic to something, that’s our bodies telling us that we cannot tolerate that thing. That means, the more you are exposed to airborne allergens, the more likely you will be to become ill. Having good clean indoor air gives the body time to recover, letting you be at your best when you head back outdoors.
4. Eliminate Odors
Having a better indoor environment makes it harder for mould to bloom and for germs to develop. A quality air filtration system also contributes to the elimination of odours by preventing many germs, moulds, and pollutants from entering your home.
5. Lower Utility Bills
A properly ventilated house will reduce not only your electricity bills but also your medical bills.
Here at Fogiene Sciences, we know what it takes to deliver high-quality indoor air quality solutions. Call us for a free consultation.
by fogiene | Dec 1, 2020 | Blog

Ever wonder what folks are staring at when they are in the grocery store and reading the nutrition facts label on a can of beans or a loaf of bread? Are you unsure what it all means when you look at a food label? Nutrition labels can be a great tool for managing a heart healthy diet, which makes it very important that you understand what you’re looking at when you read a label.
Nutrition labels are based on a daily 2,000 calorie diet. Depending on your age, gender and activity level, you may need to consume more or less than 2,000 calories per day, so keep this in mind when viewing each label.
Now let’s take a look at the parts of the nutrition facts label and break it all down.
Parts of a Nutrition Facts Label

Serving Size
This is where you find out how much is considered a single serving of the product. Key changes to the updated nutrition facts label are increased serving sizes to reflect what we actually eat today. However, it is still not the whole pint of ice cream like you were hoping! If you are looking for heart healthy snacks, this measurement can help you to pre-prep snack bags to take to work or keep on hand in your car or purse for quick healthy food options.
Total Calories
This number ties right in to the serving size. The calories listed here are what one single serving holds. If you plan on eating more than a single serving, you have to multiply the total calories by the actual number of servings you consume.
Foods high in cholesterol can increase your risk of heart disease.. So, look for foods low in cholesterol, such as those found in a plant-based diet.
Fats – Saturated and Trans
If the label indicates that the food is high in saturated fat (no more than 20 grams total for the day), then it is not an ideal food for a heart healthy diet. Saturated fats can raise your low density lipoprotein, or “bad cholesterol”, which can increase your risk for heart disease and stroke.
Trans fats should be avoided altogether, as they have been connected with an increased risk not only of heart disease and stroke, but also Type II diabetes.
For a heart healthy diet, you should always try to keep your sodium intake to about 2300 mg per day. A sodium level of 140 mg or less on the nutrition facts label is considered low sodium. This is an essential number to look for when reading the label.
Total Carbohydrates – Fibre and Sugar
Foods high in fibre can be beneficial to a healthy diet, as fibre helps manage blood sugar levels and can lower cholesterol.
However, if the product contains a large amount of sugar, even if it’s rich in fibre, put the product back on the shelf. Simple sugars can give you that quick burst of energy, but they are not heart smart as they can raise triglyceride levels, which play a role in heart disease and diabetes. Added sugars in grams is now required on the nutrition facts label. It is recommended that you consume no more than ten percent of your total daily calories from added sugar.
Protein is part of an overall healthy diet, but beware of adding unnecessary fats from fatty meats and processed foods.
Vitamins and Other Nutrients
Nutrients like calcium, iron and vitamins play an important role in a healthy diet! This section provides great information to ensure you’re getting the nutrients you need. The daily values for nutrients have been updated on the revised nutrition facts label to reflect new scientific evidence.
In addition to being on the back of your favourite products, nutrition information can be found in more places than usually expected. Restaurants have started to provide full nutrition data as part of their online menus. This is a huge help for those who are looking for healthier dine-out options. Many of your favourite recipe blogs and websites have also started posting labels to accompany the recipes, so the home cook can benefit as well. It is valuable to take your time to care for yourself and read the nutrition facts label to help manage your heart health.
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