by fogiene | Nov 11, 2020 | Blog

Let’s be honest: the air we breathe leaves a lot to be desired. There are harmful carbon dioxide emissions and toxic petrol fumes. And don’t forget we are destroying the ozone layer on a daily basis.
It’s enough to make you want to stay indoors, where you might think you’re safe. But what you face indoors may be even more damaging.
Indoor air pollution, the degradation of indoor air quality by harmful chemicals and other materials, can be up to 10 times worse than outdoor air pollution. This is because contained areas enable potential pollutants to build up more than open spaces do.
Air pollution, be it the indoor variety or the more visible outdoor type, is bad for your health. The thing many people tend to overlook is that it can also make you look older.
There’s no doubt that air pollution has a detrimental effect on the skin. It’s been scientifically proven to be one of the main sources of skin damage; toxins in the air cause skin to age prematurely, especially on the face, neck and hands. It’s important to recognise the problem, identify the danger signs and look at simple ways to either prevent, or at least minimise, damage.
Indoor pollutants in dust and air are often generated from sources such as environmental tobacco smoke, building materials, furniture, cleaning and hygiene products, air fresheners, computers, printers, cooking and other indoor activities, and from people themselves.
Air pollutants of current interest among researchers include ozone, nitrogen oxides, and bioaerosols. The mechanisms of pollutant activity depend on the particle size, solubility, site of deposit and specific chemical properties.
Recent studies have shown that different pollutants provoke different immunological and non-immunological responses in those exposed. Interaction between air pollutants and allergens can take place outside the exposed person, within the allergen itself, or inside the organism on mucous membranes and skin.
Five simple steps to improve indoor air quality are:
- Keep your floors fresh
- Maintain a healthy level of humidity
- Make your home a no-smoking zone
- Test for radon. Whether you have a new or old home, you could have a problem
- Smell good naturally. Avoid synthetic fragrances
As you age your skin naturally begins to lose moisture and elasticity, but there are changes we can make to slow down the skin ageing process.
Particulate matter, chemicals such as phthalates and organic compounds such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) can also have a detrimental effect on skin.
Recent studies have identified links between the concentration of phthalates in indoor dust and allergic symptoms in the skin. One of the main sources of phthalate esters indoors are plasticised polyvinyl chloride (PVC) materials used in floor and wall covering materials, shower curtains, adhesives, synthetic leather, toys, cosmetics and other consumer products.
Phthalates are constantly being emitted into the air and indoor dust because they are not chemically bound to the PVC structure. Because the indoor environment is protected from environmental degradation, PAHs associated with dust persist for long periods. So concentrations in indoor dust are much higher than they are in outdoor dust and soil.
Particulate matter causes strong oxidative stress to skin, leading to premature skin ageing, while research shows that indoor contributions of particulate matters are much higher when open windows are exposed to traffic fumes.
Recognition of pollutant sources, environmental control and avoidance remain the most effective countermeasures. Regular cleaning of air conditioners and filters will help. You should avoid pollutants from traffic emissions through open windows and consider using antioxidants, moisturisers and barrier protecting skincare products.
Fogiene Sciences IAQ Testing Services help pinpoint the cause of low IAQ levels and boost your company’s productivity levels. Give us a call on 080-43740929 / 96864 13335.
by fogiene | Nov 10, 2020 | Blog

Restaurant hygiene has a significant contribution in defining the perception of your restaurant. Moreover, the hygiene a restaurant carries is one of the factors that determine its fate. You should know that the price You may pay for not maintaining hygiene and cleanliness in your restaurant is very expensive. In this article, we will show you How to maintain Hygiene Standards in Restaurants.
Why is it important to maintain hygiene standards in your restaurant?
- To ensure the safety and health of the staff and customers.
- To help your restaurant sustain in the food industry.
- To satisfy customers, as they want to dine in a clean restaurant that serves hygienic food.
- To escape failure, since nothing can harm your restaurant’s reputation more than the unhygienic atmosphere.
How to maintain Hygiene Standards in Restaurants?
Here are 6 practices to maintain hygiene standards in your restaurant:
1) Put the certificate from sanitary and medical inspection at the entrance of your restaurant.
2) Eliminate any presence of cockroaches, flies, rats and other scavengers.
3) Make sure that your staff maintains Personal Hygiene.
4) Regularly inspect the kitchen areas, dining area, and restrooms:
The manager shall regularly inspect the kitchen areas, eating and dining areas, restrooms to make sure that they carry health and hygiene requirements, which have been stated by Food Safety and Standards Authority in your area.
Here is the checklist to ensure that these areas are clean at all times:
- Cleaning staff shall clean all the surfaces that come in direct contact with food after every task with clean towels that are assigned only for these areas.
- Sterilize range, Oven, Deep-fryer, Freezer, Baking sheets, Tongs, and other equipment, at least three times weekly.
- Make sure to daily sterilize kitchen items such as cutting boards, blenders, grills, countertops, and other items that are used consistently.
- Bar tops, tabletops, and chairs shall be sanitized at least twice a day.
- Make sure to daily clean the floor near the entrances and the exits of the restaurant.
- Every few hours the toilet bowls, toilet seat and floor of the restrooms must be cleaned.
- Ensure that there are no drippings or clogging in water pipes in the kitchen and the restrooms.
5) Regularly sanitize the kitchen equipment:
Make sure that you have a maintenance routine that will keep your expensive equipment work properly and at its maximum efficiency. Implementing a Strict and consistent maintenance schedule of your restaurants’ equipment will reduce energy costs and produce high-quality food.
To keep your equipment in proper operation and working order, your staff should:
- Clean equipment from inside and outside.
- Clean the cutting boards and switch between them.
- Regularly sanitize the preparation area.
- Regularly change water used for sanitizing.
- Regularly clean the garbage cans.
- Carefully store cleaning Items such as detergent, dishcloths, mops, brushes, wipes, and sanitizer and keep them away from food to prevent any contamination.
6) Proper ventilation system:
It is very important to have a proper ventilation system in your restaurant to ensure the well being of your customers and staff.
Why is that?
- Proper ventilation is essential for the preparation and storage of food.
- Proper ventilation enhances the morale of customers and staff.
- Proper ventilation increases The efficiency of restaurants’ operations by creating a pleasant atmosphere clear of smoke, high heat, steam, and excess moisture.
With these practices, you will maintain cleanliness and hygiene in your restaurant, resulting in minimizing the possibility of food poisoning. Not to mention that a clean restaurant means seamless restaurant’s operations.
Looking for Hygiene monitoring at your business? Contact us for a free consultation.
by fogiene | Nov 7, 2020 | Blog

What’s the difference between organic and natural? Isn’t “natural food” just as safe and healthy as organic food? Unfortunately, natural does not mean organic and comes with no guarantees. “Natural foods” are often assumed to be foods that are minimally processed and do not contain any hormones, antibiotics or artificial flavors. In India however, there are no rules or regulations for products labelled “natural.” As a result, food manufacturers often place a “natural” label on foods containing heavily processed ingredients.
What about organic? Organic is the most heavily regulated food system. Only organic guarantees no toxic synthetic pesticides, toxic synthetic herbicides, or chemical NPK fertilizers are used in production, and no antibiotics or growth hormones are given to animals. Organic producers and processors also are subject to rigorous announced – and unannounced – certification inspections by third-party inspectors to ensure that they are producing and processing organic products in a manner you and your family can trust.
What does the Organic label promise you?
Unlike natural and other eco-label claims, only organic offers government-backed assurance that products are grown and processed without the use of toxic chemicals, antibiotics and synthetic growth hormones. Read on to learn what makes organic the most heavily regulated food system, and why it’s worth it to trust the organic label above others.

by fogiene | Nov 5, 2020 | Blog

In this blog post, we underline the importance of maintaining a healthy indoor environment at home and explain the link between air quality and allergy symptoms.
What Could You be Allergic to in Your House?
When it comes to poor air quality and allergy triggers, many of us tend to think of outside triggers such as vehicle pollution and high pollen levels. However, the concentration of pollutants can actually be two to five times higher inside than outdoors. If you or family have been sneezing or wheezing more than usual at home, indoor pollution and allergy triggers could be to blame. Let’s examine the common culprits below:
1. Dust Mites
Dust mites are microscopic insects that feed off human skin flakes. They are among the most common in-home allergens. These tiny bugs thrive in warm, moist environments, which means bedding and soft furniture are often filled with these invisible pests. Although they don’t bite, they can inflame the nasal passages, leading to itchy, watery eyes and nasal congestion.
2. Mould
Mold is another common household allergen because it tends to grow in damp, dark places like basements, behind drywall, and in small, poorly-ventilated bathrooms. Like dust mites, mould can cause respiratory problems along with dry, itchy skin. Some types of mould, like black mould, are more toxic than others.
3. Pollen
Indoor pollen levels can also be higher than you might think, particularly if your family tends to enjoy the outdoors during the spring and summertime, as all that outdoor pollen is easily tracked indoors.
Pets can also carry pollen inside, which is why some people mistakenly think they are allergic to dogs when it’s actually the pollen on your dog.
4. Cockroaches
Homes may have cockroaches that secrete allergens in their saliva and faeces. It’s a common myth that the chemicals used to eradicate cockroaches cause allergic reactions, when in fact the bugs themselves are the culprits.
5. Pet Allergies
If your household includes four-legged members, you may be exposed to more allergen triggers than you think. Cats and dogs shed invisible dust particles that can become airborne and travel throughout your home with ease. Even the protein in animal saliva, urine, and feces can cause an allergic reaction in some people.
Signs of Allergic Reactions in the Home Include:
- Sneezing
- Watery eyes
- Itchy skin
- Nasal congestion
- Difficulty breathing
- Allergic Rhinitis
- An overall feeling of malaise
Symptoms of indoor allergies can range from mild to severe, and some people even require prescription medication to get relief from the swelling within their breathing passages caused by dust mites, mould, pollen, and other irritants. Kids are particularly susceptible to poor indoor air quality because of their developing alveoli (tiny air sacs in the lungs), so long-term exposure can lead to respiratory issues.
Simple Solutions to Improve Indoor Air Pollution
Source Control
Ensure proper ventilation
Ensure proper air filtration/cleaning
Replace Old Filters
Smoke Outside
Avoid Painting, Spraying Combustible products indoors (or near ventilation units)
Reduce and Remove Moisture
Looking for solutions to deal with indoor air quality pollution? Contact us for comprehensive solutions.
by fogiene | Oct 28, 2020 | Blog

Not All Meal Supplements Are Created Equal
In the busy and rushed world we live in, finding time to sit down and eat a proper meal is difficult.
Correctly incorporating a meal supplement into daily dietary needs can present a unique opportunity to add essential components to daily uptake.
These dehydrated, energy-packed products are ideal for athletes and civilians alike, but not all meal supplements are created equal.
These 5 facts about meal supplement quality can help you make the right choice.
Low Calorie Content Is Important
This isn’t necessarily just an indication of the products usability in the fields of weight loss or fat burning, but also represents the products constituent ingredients. High quality meal supplements will likely contain a fraction of the calories of lower quality competitors, likely averaging around the 50-100 calorie per serving. At the same time, empty calories located in artificial transfatty acids are not only an indication of poor ingredient quality, but also represent potential health hazards.
Low Quality Means High Sugar Content
This is certainly not a hard and fast rule for all meal supplement products, as certain brands may offer items that are responsibly sweetened with natural ingredients. However, a high sugar content will likely represent the brand looking to compensate for the bad taste of inorganic ingredients. At the same time, use of bleached or inorganic sugars can be a health hazard. Look for products that offer natural sweetener alternatives such as Stevia. This will lower the overall calories and provide a more effective sweetening alternative that is healthier, sourced naturally, and tastes better.
Not all Proteins Are the Same
Protein is essential to rebuild muscles, provide energy, and help round out the nutritional content of meal supplements. In many cases, the more protein a meal supplement offers the better, but some proteins are difficult to digest and therefore less effective. Though the constituent chemicals may be the same or similar, such as amino acid content, looking for protein components which are more soluble will lead to more effective protein intake. Some good choices are:
1) Whey Protein
2) Soy Protein
3) Hemp Protein
Whey protein is potentially the best example, representing about 20% of the protein found in milk. This protein is not only easily digestible but will also dissolve well when mixed with liquids, ensuring a more pleasant consumption experience.
Dietary Fibre Is Extremely Important
This factor is often overlooked by health conscious consumers, or individuals looking to locate the best quality meal supplements.
Appropriate consumption of dietary fibre has important effects on digestion, and will make you feel full faster. However, not all dietary fibres are created the same. Some natural sources such as roughage and grains have certain health effects that artificial fibre sources do not.
Meal Supplements With Natural Ingredients
Based on the four preceding facts about meal supplement quality this may seem obvious, but it cannot be stressed enough. Natural ingredients are overall much better for the quality of the product. This includes sugar, protein, and fiber sources, but also includes essential vitamins and minerals.
A high-quality meal supplement will provide more than just the bare bone essentials of fat and protein. Look for a product that has a high daily serving of essential vitamins and minerals.
Need assistance in testing of meal supplements? Contact us for a free consultation.
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